DPC is Direct Patient Care

This is a return to what many would call "old fashioned" medicine.  It is a direct financial arrangement between patients and this physician....no insurance companies!  

  • What this means is that there will be a subscription service that gives you access to most of your Osteopathic and Integrative medical care needs for an affordable & fixed monthly price.

  • By becoming a member, patients receive all the professional services offered by the physician for a monthly (or yearly) subscription fee.

  • There's no insurance deductibles or premiums involved, no surprises. A membership with us is billed with a fixed amount on a fixed schedule and we're certain you'll appreciate the flexibility it offers.  Our medical model is based on Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Clinical Homeopathy, and Integrative Medicine.

“As insurances change, the direct patient care membership model enables one to continue to work with Dr. Sousa." -EH

We provide comprehensive, continuity of care for the individuals who are seeking outside the box solutions to a range of issues from everyday concerns to complicated medical issues. 

Our primary goal is to: augment your present level of health.

  • As a member you can choose the amount of time scheduled with your physician. 

  • This subscription fee helps to gain priority access to Dr Ann Sousa's schedule, continued basic office visits* and communication (call, email, text, or video chat with physician).  Presently, there is a push with insurance plans to decrease office visits to 15 minute increments whereby I would assess you one day and the next day, you would come in for your osteopathic treatment.  This is not feasible nor realistic in our twenty-first century, everyday life.  

    We have chosen another path. Understanding that we cannot “change the system”, we realize we can only change how we practice medicine.

    • Rather than handing over what little control we have left over the patient care environment to others, we have taken back complete control and designed treatment plans with the patient’s interest in mind.  This model allows us to continue to provide the excellent level of care that you are accustomed to. 

    • By retaining the 30 minute office visits, this direct care model allows time for discussions between physicians and patient that encompass lifestyle choices with the aim of long-term well-being. 

    We are not willing to compromise on quality and quantity of care.  Our office is being pressured to reduce the frequency of office visits as well as the time spent with you. 

Model of Direct Patient Care

Sunshine Direct Patient Care uses a unique approach that includes:

  1. extended medical office visits (30 minutes to 1 hour)

  2. direct access to the physician via email or phone

  3. access to different modalities of medical care

  4. patient’s active participation

  5. We want you to be engaged in your care.

Direct Patient Care (DPC) is an innovative model being embraced across the United States.

DPC practices offer a unique membership-based approach.

A simple flat semi-annual rate is charged for comprehensive coverage of integrative medical health care services.

Adequate membership fees allow practices to reduce their total number of patients, which supports a higher level of personal care.

This eliminates undesired fee-for-service incentives in health care, which can distort healthcare decision-making by rewarding volume over value.

For patients with a high-deductible insurance or no health insurance, our membership model may help you save money and guarantee the continuity of care you deserve.

This direct care model allows for the continued medical model of patient-physician relationship whereby the patient is working with their fully-trained physician who will spend the time to listen, evaluate, collaborate, and treat. 

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or are ready to schedule an Introductory Meet & Greet Session.

"Before I saw Dr Sousa, my body was very painful and my breathing was bad.   Dr. Sousa was able to help me limit the body pain, so I could do everyday movements and activities.  In addition, I am able to breath without pain."   -AC