What Dr Ann Sousa can DO:


Highly qualified care for all types of musculoskeletal and systemic conditions.

Emphasis is placed on identifying the cause not just the symptoms.

Osteopathy is a hands-on approach to health maintenance.

  • We treat with osteopathic manipulation to assist the inherent forces of the body, allowing normal structure and function to be maintained.

  • Treatment is aimed at the structural problems present, not just the disease entity.

  • By removing the obstructions to health, Osteopathic physicians are able to treat virtually any illness or trauma.

Provides more time to the patient

  • When the average primary care office visit may only be 5 to 14 minutes...

  • In this amount of time, it is near impossible to deliver the quality and depth of care that you deserve.

  • Typical New patient visit is often about 1 hour long, and follow up visits are scheduled for 30 mins +.

Reaffirms the importance of the relationship between physician and patient.

Focuses on the whole person (mind, body, spirit) not just the sum of your symptoms.

Informed by evidence.

Makes use of all appropriate therapeutic and lifestyle approaches, healthcare professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.

A natural, highly effective and safe treatment method

Treats an illness with an active micro-dose of herbal, mineral or biological substances.

  • Clinically used for more than 200 years

  • Safe, non-toxic and without side effects

  • No interference with other medicines

The Integrative Osteopathic physician ideally asks: “why”, and keeps asking and peeling back the layers of the onion until the root cause is found.

People are biochemically individual, and must be treated as such.  We are naturally unique.

Personalized aspect of delivering Integrative medical care rejects the 'one size fits none' approach.

Integrative Osteopathic Medicine attempts to dig deeper than conventional medicine, hence, very specialized lab work is often ordered. The results will guide us to which path and natural options we have to attain our goals.